Taking Back the Ground

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Recently someone prayed for me to take back the land. Honestly I did not know why she prayed that, but upon reflecting, I knew it was the Lord. I thought about all the prayers I had been praying for years and more specifically how I was praying. My prayers were for my children and grandchildren, my parents, husband, friends. But suddenly I realized that none of my prayers included taking back the land– the land that belongs to each of them and myself; land that God has given us.

After the death of the Lord’s servant Moses, the Lord said to Joshua, “My servant Moses is dead. So you and all these people get up and cross the Jordan to the land I am giving to the people of Israel. I have given you every place where the bottom of your footsteps as I promised Moses. (Joshua 1)

Friends, God promised the land– the specific land to Israel and it was time to go and possess it. Each of us has been given valuable eternal real estate to possess. That is our destiny. God is calling us to press on in our call to occupy the land that He has given us.

Let’s get practical. If you are a parent, you have the responsibly to sow into the lives of your children. If you have a career, God is telling you to go and possess the Land. Sow seeds of life and hope, and share the message of Christ. It is your land. If God has called you to the mission field, or to ministry like myself, this is your land, given by God. Sow seeds of God’s Word. The Word is powerful and effective and can pull down strongholds and release the land.

Recently I met a joyless person. Her life seemed to be without purpose. As a Christian, I asked her if she had been in her garden lately. She looked at me as if I had two heads! I asked her if she had ever planted seeds and watched them grow because I personally think that is the most exciting thing to observe; plants popping out of the ground from small negligible seeds. That is the Christian life. We have the privilege no matter where we are, who we are with, where we are called to go, to plant seeds of life. In so doing, we are taking the land for Jesus.

And God spoke to Joshua…

No man will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. I will be faithful to you just as I was with Moses. Be strong and courageous for you will be able to bring the people in to take this land which I promised…

What land has the Lord given to you? Have you recognized that indeed He has given you land to take? Take courage and step out in faith knowing that God is with you. Pray for your family and friends that they too step out and take the land that God has given them. It may be labor intensive but the seeds will one day bear fruit.

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