Tell Your Heart To Beat Again

Good morning making space for God friends! Some of you know that I have written a book titled “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” The book is a call to Christians, to reposition yourself for God to use you for His glory. Jesus describes Christians corporately as a “city on a hill”; that we are called to let our light shine, but we have grown weary. It’s time to receive a fresh wind of the Spirit blowing renewed life; to open up our hearts to Jesus allowing Him to resuscitate our weary souls so that we can shine again.



You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14)

The definition of to resuscitate is to make something active or vigorous again, indicating that there was once a vigorous life that needs to be reactivated. We all have seasons in life where we need to bring something back to life, but often this requires that we let something die. For example, you may have had the same job for years and it seems lifeless. God may be calling you to make a job change. Or perhaps you have a relationship that has been on life support and God may be calling you to let go. Maybe you have a child that is causing you anxiety and worry and you need to adjust your attitude to trusting God that He has this.


What do you have on life support? What is God telling you to do to help your heart beat again? 

Years ago while living in Germany, I was burned out; three kids, a husband busy at work, the language barrier and loneliness set in. (story also in my new book). It was boiling hot one day and I opened the windows in my kitchen and big horse flies came in and covered the meal I was cooking! It was the last straw. I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor with the kids crying because they were so hot and hungry and now no dinner to give them…. it was messy. At that moment my husband surprised me and came home early with his new friend from work. Let’s just say he wasn’t impressed. In that brief moment, I knew that I had to do something different and I could not get rid of my kids or husband (lol!) so I chose to look to Jesus. I opened my Bible the next day and recall saying. “This better work because I am desperate.” And Living Water began to water my weary soul. My heart slowly began to beat again through the transforming power of the Word of God.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)

Friends, we must first recognize when we are burdened, burnt out, disillusioned, and weary. So step number one. Admit it.

The next step is to ask the Holy Spirit to breathe fresh life into us and reposition us for the change needed in our lives.

Sit by the river of His Word, ask the hard questions. Do I have anything that needs to die? What is on life support?

And then wait on the Lord to renew your weary soul. Time and time again, I have gone back to that day in Germany when I learned these principles. Time and time again, I have found myself positioned in a puddle of self-pity. And each time the Lord met me in that place as I sought Him. It’s easy to think you are alone. It’s easy to think that God has forgotten you amidst the cries of your heart. But quiet your soul and you will find renewal and rest and the answers that you are seeking.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings of eagles; (Isaiah 40:31)



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