The Music in Your Soul

This past summer I had the pleasure of watching a violin maker go through the steps of creating a violin. It was quite a remarkable process but each step had a vital purpose from the selecting of the wood for the violin to creating the violin using a template, cutting it out and endless hours carving and polishing. He was able to know the music that this magnificent creation would produce early on in the process by tapping on the wood. During the process it made me think about how each person created by God, in the image of God, is a masterpiece. We are all unique and we all have a song to sing; music to play, gifts to be used for the glory of the master violinist. We are all created by God for purpose and with a destiny. The music within us however has to be released.

We have to believe that God created us uniquely. We don’t need to compare ourselves with anyone else. We don’t need to question the purpose or gifts that He has given us. But we do need to embrace them.

Seems like every week I meet people who need to be told that they are special; precious to God and to others. What is it that is blocking the music in your soul? What is keeping you from releasing the beauty from within? Try spending more time in the Word reading about God’s great love for you as opposed to listening to all the other voices either in your head or from others. You will find your music. God has a song for each of us to play. And together, each uniquely crafted and fashioned by God, we give Him glory.

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