The Prayer for the Waiting

Earlier this week we shared a video blog from Elise Booz on the Seasons of Waiting.  We wanted to share with you her Prayer for the Waiting.

For those who are waiting I wrote down a prayer, and I just call it the Prayer for the waiting. I just wanted to share it with you. I want to pray it over you.  I hope that these words will bless you. I hope you remember that the season might be hard, but God is a faithful God. He has been faithful to his people in the past and will be faithful again.

Let’s Pray. 


God of Abraham, God of Covenant. You have blessed me so that others might be blessed. God over every star in the Sky and every sand on the shore you have promised a gift I’m still waiting to receive. There is tension in the waiting. How long, Lord? God over each day, over each moment. Don’t let this pass in time, wash away my resolve. Don’t let my faith stretch thin as this time stretches on. Help my unbelief. Help me believe you, God, credit my belief as righteousness. Call me your friend. You are a righteous God. You are a compassionate God. You never change. Remind my heart today.

God of Joseph, God over dreams and despair palaces and prison you are the God of the favored and the forsaken. Sometimes I feel like both at once. You are the God who humbles the crowd. You are the God who wastes no season of darkness or trial. You are the God of refinement. This weight feels like a prison. I am jailed behind bars of not yet – how long Lord? You are not an unjust God you have not forgotten or left, you will open a door. I will walk in clarity in your appointed time. Remind my heart today.

God of Hannah. You are close to the broken hearted. You delight to hear a soul poured out in prayer. You hold my bitter tears in your tender hands so with my enemies today. Hear the prayer of my heart today. Look with favor on my misery and remember me, have mercy on me. Show me your mighty hand, bring forth your impeccable timing. You are the God of new life and new beginnings, you are the God that gives good gifts to his children. Remind my heart today.

And like Hannah, change my temperament before the blessings in my arms. Let me walk forward with an upturned face although nothing about my situation has changed so deliverance hasn’t come, your goodness hasn’t gone. I desire to glimpse your face more than a move of your hands.

I love you, God more than your blessing. I desire your presence more than your promises. Amen.

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