The Self-Sufficiency of Babylon

You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress.

Isaiah 17:10


The nations that raged in the time of Isaiah were filled with turmoil.

The city of Babylon is seen throughout both the Old and New Testaments as a city plagued with pride and self-sufficiency. Babylon symbolizes the world powers arrayed against God’s kingdom. Throughout the ages, we see other cities and nations plagued by self-sufficiency, finding no need for God.

Individually, we fall prey to being self-sufficient and tend to forget God, our Savior, forgetting our Rock, our Fortress. (Isaiah 17:10) I can so easily be trusting in the Lord, praying for Him to guide and direct me and suddenly find myself on the road to self-trust. I may start out praying and seeking His guidance, but when the road splits, I choose on my own which road to take.

The Lord requires us to seek Him every step of the way. Self-sufficiency is valued in our society today, but God wants us to be God-reliant. The Israelites repeatedly turned to idolatry, forgetting God, their fortress and Rock. They ended up in Babylon at one point in history because they turned away from Jehovah God. But each time God restored His people when they turned back to Him.

Are you presently in a place of being self-sufficient? Have you determined that you can do all things for yourself, or are you depending on God to strengthen you and give you wisdom and direction? Turn back to Him and He will show you where you got off His path and lead you as you depend on Him.


Heavenly Father,

I have been self-sufficient and full of pride. I acknowledge that I need You to lead me and to guide me in daily life. Forgive me for forgetting that You are my Rock and fortress; forgive me for taking charge of my life and not allowing You to direct my path.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


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