The So Whats of Life

Today on our Abiding Space blog I want to talk about the so what’s of life.. What I mean by this is the effect of discouragement when circumstances pile up in such a way that we feel helpless to effect change. Let me give you some examples:

So what if…

I decide not to make the phone call that I need to make.

I put off talking to the friend about what they may need me to do to help them.

So what if…

If I don’t read my Scriptures today and then today becomes the next day and the next.

I decide to be just a little dishonest. It’s easier that way.

So what if…

I pretend that everything is ok when it really isn’t.

Parker taking control of the situation deciding to quarterback. She is never one to give up!!!

Friends, it seems as though there is another pandemic looming in our lives. And it is the so what pandemic. The crisis’ that are ramped up in our world today may be creating lethargy on our part– an attitude of giving up and thinking that what we do or don’t do no longer matters. I share this with you because in ministry I am all too aware of this syndrome. A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog titled: Is Your Heart Hardened?  referencing the result of the pile up of crisis’ in our lives. Today we see another effect of overwhelming circumstances piling up in our lives causing us to either fight or flight. Fighting wears us out and taking flight never ends well. As believers, our choice must be to stand and we do not stand alone. We stand in Christ. There is a magnificent hymn that comes to mind:

In Christ alone, my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song. the Cornerstone, this solid ground firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace; when fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my all in all. Here in the love of Christ I stand. 

The pile ups of life causing us to flee and yet we need to stand; stand in the love of Christ. The effects of fleeing from our trials sometimes brings us face-to-face with an attitude of so what.  What can I do to change the circumstances? What can I do to make a difference? A feeling of hopelessness or loss of energy to press on is real. There is only one solution to this so what syndrome and that is to stand in Christ’s love. And we cannot do that if we have not spent time cultivating a relationship with Him so that when the storms of life hit, we know that He is the Peace in the storm; our North star; our safe refuge. He is the One who lifts us out of the pit, puts us back on the shore of life and reminds us that He is for us fighting our battles. Fight or flight when the storms hit are natural responses.

But God…

So loved the world that He sent His only Son; His very best and after He left earth He sent His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. He did not leave us alone helpless but instead gave us a place to stand in Christ’s love. When we re-center our thoughts on Him, aware of His Presence in our lives, He gives us hope and the courage to stand. And He turns our so what and feelings of loss and helplessness into meaningful action.

Today take time to reposition your thinking. Read Scripture. Meditate on the parts that hit your heart. Think about Christ’s love helping you stand and take action. Hopelessness cause us to hit the why bother button but that is exactly what the enemy of your soul wants you to do. He sets a trap to ensnare you with thinking that you cannot make a difference in your difficult times. But each of us has a destiny and purpose to impact our world for good. So stand up and look by your side. In Christ alone, your hope is found.


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