The Veil of His Presence

This week in our study, Living in God’s Presence, we talked about The Veil of His Presence and how it’s evident when we have spent time in God’s presence.  It is obvious when we have spent time with the Lord because we become like the one whom we behold.  Jesus gave us the model of being transformed – getting away, bit-by-bit and making space for God. 

It’s like frequent flyer miles – you can use them for an upgrade. In life, we all have the same seat. But as Christians, we get an automatic upgrade when we accept Christ and make space for Him.

We are made in God’s image and we’re made to release God’s glory. Let’s take a look at the process of sanctification —

  • Greek word hagiasmos means holiness
  • As image bearers of God’s glory, we are being transformed through the process of yielding to the Holy Spirit in order to be filled with His glory and to release His glory.
  • And….. yet nothing will compare to the glory that will be revealed to us in the future

You see – while we see His glory manifested in our lives – nothing will compare to the day we see him face to face.  And as we suffer, God lifts us up, takes us up the mountain and brings us back. This is a dress rehearsal for the rest of our lives. Isn’t that amazing?

Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash
Looking at the story of Moses getting the Ten Commandments from God, we can visually picture Moses climbing up the mountain, moving up to an encounter with God. Let’s take a look at some of the Principles of Old Testament glory —
  • The glory of God brings fear to those who don’t understand it
  • Those who spend time in the glory are humble and contrite
  • The more space you make for God, the more His glory is evidenced in your lives
Going back to the story of Moses. We are not like Moses anymore, we have no veil.  We go up the mountain and our glory is increased and increased. Under the old covenant it was fading. Why does the glory fade? The stinking stuff of life makes it fade. But God…
As we go back to God and ask Him to help, he shows up, time and time again.

Now let’s look at the progression of God’s glory.

  • Through tabernacle in the wilderness
  • Through the magnificent temple Solomon built.
  • Through Jesus – John 1:1-14
  • Through believers
That’s right – now it’s our turn. We are made to be carriers of God’s glory. Isn’t that amazing? I hope that encourages you today to arise and shine!

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