Time to Make Space for God

Friends, it is time to make space for God. Time to unplug ourselves and connect or reconnect with Him. I don’t know what you are going through today, but what I do know is that more and more people seem to be distracted, worn out and have no time for God. Today’s blog is a challenge for all of us to reevaluate our lives. I just did this morning. And you know what? On the scale to making space for God, I scored a zero for the past two days. Two days without pressing into hearing His voice, reading Scripture, praying and connecting and I became… well let’s just say I became someone I do not want to be. If left to my own self, I get self-centered and overwhelmed with me. And you know what? We are supposed to be overwhelmed with God in a real way. That’s the kind of overwhelming where He is a part of every bit of our daily lives that makes life full and joyful. But I made other choices in the last few days.

I chose to sleep in on the weekend…

I chose to cut my Bible reading short so that I could check Instagram…

I chose to text some friends…

Not bad things to do, but I felt it in the way my days went. I short-changed God, and though He never short changes me, I was not dialed in. I lost my God-connection because I was obsessed with my internet connection.

Time to unplug friends. Let’s just take a few days and do that. That may not be possible with work, but how about before work or afterward? I did this morning. Took the morning off to get my head straight– no really to get my heart straight. And God met me in that space. He repositioned my life as I drew near to Him. My perspective needed adjusting. Somewhere along the line, I decided I could rescue people and it left me drained and stressed.

But God…

Once I made space for Him back in my day, asking the Holy Spirit to restore my heart and my perspective, things shifted. My circumstances, though unchanging, were stress-free. There is nothing that compares to some bonding time with Jesus- as the branch to the vine.

I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing (John 15: 5).

My new book Making Space for God is now available on Amazon. The subtitle is: Repositioning Your Life for Kingdom Living. For some of you reading my blog today, it’s time to do just that.

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