Transfer of Power

Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 9 and 10. The title of the lesson was Reversal and in my teaching, I told a story about a time when I had to drive a boat trailer for a fishing trip that my husband and I went on.  Unfortunately, it was more difficult than I thought and things didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. Here’s a video to explain why this process of reversing is so difficult.

You see, we can reverse some things – we can learn how to reverse a boat trailer, we can deal with an addiction, we can lose weight. But we are powerless in our sin nature. But that is the good news of Christ, right? That God sent His Son to die for us. Only He could reverse our sin for us.  And not only did he reverse that but He also transfers His power and authority into our lives.

Each week in my teachings, I have been talking about the “Red Thread” that ties everything together – that is woven into the story and into our lives. The “Red Thread” for this week was the transfer of power. So what does this transfer of power look like? The kingdom of God transferring power into your bank account gives you: 

  • Power against your enemies
  • Power against forces of darkness
  • Power against the fear of death
  • Power against all seeming loss
  • Power against our self-centered ways
  • Power to live a joyful, Christ-centered life
  • Power to share the gospel with others and not fear rejection
  • Power to know the truth and be set free
  • Power of healing and deliverance
  • Power to live a joy-filled life

Women of faith, now is our time to tell our hearts to beat again – to wake up, rise up and grow up to use that power! Next week, we will be concluding this study on Ruth & Esther and I invite you to join us and bring your friends. We’ll be having a little “Jingle & Java” and all are welcome. Join us as we wrap up this amazing semester and celebrate all that God has done.

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