Unity in Christ

This week in our study of Ephesians, we studied the text in Ephesians 4:1-16. The theme of this text is Unity – now, unity is different than uniformity. In this Scripture, we see a new society. Here are 3 characteristics of this new society:

  • Character that reflects Christ
  • Unity that reflects the unity between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Diversity and maturity



Let’s dig a little bit into that first characteristic – the character of Christ. You see, we can’t just study the Word, we must live the Word. When we exhibit the character of Christ, we exhibit:

  • Love
  • Lowliness
  • Meekness
  • Patience and forbearance

Everyone one of these traits is displayed in Jesus’ walk to the cross. That’s a powerful reminder for us, especially during this season of Lent. If you want to access the power of the cross, exhibiting these characteristics is the way to do it. 

But in this world, there are two kingdoms that we’re up against.

  • Counterfeit which is run by the enemy seeking to rob steal and destroy
  • God’s kingdom whose mission is to seek and save the lost setting the captive free

They are not equal kingdoms; God’s kingdom victorious through Christ but there is still a war between the two.

Our responsibility as Christians is to maintain unity. As we look at unity, remembering that the unity is not the same as uniformity, we must look at the different gifts God has given us that we can use to build His kingdom. Maintaining unity also means appreciating the gifts of others. In my teaching, we looked at the gifts of the five-fold ministry. All of us are going to lean into one or several of these. (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 shows how all of these gifts of ministry play out):

  • Apostleship
  • Prophecy
  • Evangelist
  • Pastor
  • Teacher

These gifts are all used for the purpose of building up the body in the knowledge of the Son of God into maturity.  I encourage you today to reflect and pray that God releases you into your giftings, not for yourself but for use in the army of God!



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