Using God-Given Gifts

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.

Romans 12:6


No one person could have accomplished the work of repairing the walls and gates of Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s effective leadership helped him survey the damage, prepare a plan, and seek the cooperation of the people to carry it out. He formulated a plan and then sought people for assignments according to their gifts. He knew it would take craftsmen, priests, and a vast array of people to accomplish the task. As the leader, he had the awesome job to identify who was to do what job according to their skills and gifts. As the body of Christ, we must work together to do the work of the kingdom.

We must identify our gifts and be willing to use them for the glory of God.

Paul, in his letter to the Romans, describes the body of Christ and how it functions: Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (Romans 12:4)

Recently I attended a conference in St. Louis, Missouri. I am not a seasoned traveler, and my friend, a flight attendant for almost 30 years, accompanied me. Due to poor weather conditions, our plane was delayed, and suddenly there was pandemonium as thousands of people were going to miss their connections. My friend used both her professional experience and her communication gifts to negotiate alternative plans. Watching her during this real-life turmoil reminded me of the body of Christ and the value of working together. She used her travel experience to ensure our return home. It was a negotiation for which I had no experience, and had I been by myself, I would still be in St. Louis! Nehemiah joined the people in the work of rebuilding the walls, each using his or her gift to the glory of God. We are also called to work together as members of one body, each with different gifts to build God’s kingdom.


Heavenly Father,

I am not certain of the gifts that You have given me to use for Your glory. I am anxious to serve You and to be a part of the body exercising my gifts. Lead, guide and direct me both in knowing where I am called and in knowing what gifts You have given me to use. Forgive me where I have not used the gifts You have given me in order to build Your kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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