Waiting and Wondering

As we approach Mother’s Day weekend, I want to share an older blog post about waiting. Some of you may be waiting to become mothers. Others may be waiting for a wayward child to turn around. You could be waiting for a relationship to be healed, for physical healing, for a job, you name it. We all wait for something. But God is with you in the waiting! I want to encourage you this weekend and share the hope and peace that He is near.

Friends, we all have times when where we are waiting on something or someone. We could be waiting:

To complete a work-related project….

On someone to respond to you…

On a circumstance to change…

Or a door to open…

Waiting for a physical diagnosis from the doctor….

Waiting on your children to get ready for school…

The list is endless. We all find ourselves waiting on something or someone all the time. 

So the question is what defines the waiting process particularly when waiting is painful? Scripture speaks of waiting but my favorite passage is Isaiah 40:

Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with the wings of eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. 

While you are waiting look through kingdom lenses

While you are waiting, look through kingdom lenses

There is a profound promise in this word; that when we wait we will one day soar. Waiting causes us to grow wings! Now that doesn’t make much sense to me. Waiting frustrates me. Waiting sometimes angers me and waiting never seems to bless me! Understanding the meaning of waiting helps us to see the significance and value in waiting in terms of our spiritual life. So if you want to grow wings, listen up!


The Hebrew word used for waiting in this scripture  is quavah. The literal meaning of quavah is to tie small ropes together to create one strong rope. The figurative meaning of quavah is “to wait.” In other words, while we are waiting God is weaving a very strong rope that can carry heavy things and will not break. Guess who represents the strong rope? That’s us after we have gone through the often painful process of waiting.

As we make space for God in our lives let us make space for the times of waiting when the Lord is making us stronger. It’s hard to see in the middle of the waiting beyond the weeds in the way. But God… is ever present weaving His life into your life.


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