Waiting on God’s Promises

In preparation for this week’s lesson that I am teaching titled “God’s Promises Stand” we are focusing on Roman chapter 9. By the way, you are welcome to join us live or online anytime. In my quiet time this morning as I read through this chapter, I imagined Paul writing to his friends, his Jewish brothers who had been waiting for the promised Messiah and yet had missed His coming. God’s chosen people, the Jews, proud that they were keepers of the law given by God to Moses, had caused them to miss the very thing that was written in the Holy Book—that God would send the Suffering Servant who would rescue mankind and redeem us from the power of sin and death.

We all are waiting for something or someone. Waiting is a part of our lives in real-time. But in the waiting, we sometimes forget the promise or chose to fulfill it our way… or… we give up and become disillusioned, discouraged or disappointed.

Make Space for God in the Waiting

Friends, I challenge you this morning to make space for God in the waiting because it is in the waiting that God does His work in us- His magnificent work of transforming us into the image of Christ. It is in the waiting our roots sink deeply into His life-giving Spirit, ultimately yielding fruit for more than a season; for a lifetime.

Most of us know that an immature tree can be easily uprooted in a storm. Living in Charleston, SC we have a keen sense of the threat of hurricanes on this coast. The last big storm that we had I watched as one of my trees bent to the ground in the wind repeatedly. I felt sure it would snap but it did not. I also saw our regal live oak trees standing tall and upright almost in defiance that they would ever fall. My oak tree has uprooted the grass as it sent roots deep and broad to find water. God’s creation knows that in order to live and stay strong it must have water. And the larger the tree becomes, the more water is needed to stay alive.

Growing Roots as we Trust in the Lord

As we wait on the Lord for relief from stress, to have a dream fulfilled, a hope that has been deferred to come to pass, we grow deep roots in Jesus. But the key is trusting Him and cultivating this trust is paramount to our deepening faith.

He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust you. (Isaiah 26:3)

Did you notice the word minds in this Scripture? The mind is the battle field. Our minds give up easily if they have not been renewed. Paul writes poignantly on this subject in Romans chapter 12:

And be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

It’s time that we allow God’s Word to transform our minds so that as we wait on the Lord, we will get God’s perspective, His hope, and know His plans. This is not easy because our thought life is filled with empty promises- longings unfulfilled and prayers unanswered. But when we climb the mountain of perspective with God, our thoughts shift and as we wait, we will then wait from a position of radical hope.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

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