We Need Jesus Then and Now

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering… Romans 8:1-3

Dear friend, I hope you’re not discouraged by the way the book of Nehemiah ends. Throughout our study, we’ve seen Nehemiah do his best to make Jerusalem strong and safe. We’ve seen him lead God’s people to be worshipful and obedient to God. And yet, at the end of the story, God’s people are turning from God’s law and towards idolatry again.

Nehemiah is likely the latest book of the Old Testament; even though it’s not the last Old Testament book in the layout of your Bible, it was probably written last. I think of the nation of Israel, born in the book of Exodus as God delivered them from slavery to Pharaoh. Despite the most amazing miracles and dazzling displays of God’s glory, despite God himself giving his people his law, God’s people sinned and worshipped a handmade, golden calf. Now here, at the end of the Old Testament, Nehemiah was literally pulling hair out because God’s people couldn’t keep their promises. If I could paint with the broadest brush across the Old Testament, I would summarize this frustration in one sentence:

All of the rules, and promises in the world are powerless to stop sin.

I see it in scripture. I see it in my own life! How many times have I forgotten to pray, or chosen not to meet God in scripture? How many times have I looked to my bank account to feel secure, or reached for someone’s approval to make me feel valuable? How many times have I turned from God’s ways that lead to flourishing, because I think I know better, or simply can’t be bothered? I’m discouraged! We’ve been talking about building our spiritual walls and standing strong against the enemy for weeks. I want to be spiritually strong. I want to be faithful. But I’m a lawbreaker.

I won’t find victory from sin by keeping a list of rules. I won’t find security in my faith by keeping my promises to God. My promises aren’t good for much, and even the most perfect rule-keeping makes me look to myself to solve my sin problem.

If we could find victory over sin by our own commitment to Jesus, then his death would have been honorable, but pointless. We’re secure in our faith because of what Jesus has done to save us. We are secure because Jesus is faithful to keep us. We break our promises, but God never does. Satan might be having a field day today, but in Christ he’s already been defeated, and we are more than conquerors.

As you work your way through your study guide this week, try not to get discouraged by the idolatry and misbehavior. Try not to get hung up on those sinful patterns you can’t seem to find victory over. Nehemiah tried his best. He was a great leader, but he was no Jesus. If the end of Nehemiah leaves you a little down, repeat this quote from John Newton:

“Although my memory is fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”


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