What I Know to be True

Good morning and welcome to making space Monday. This blog is written for the purpose of helping us make space for God. Not sure how you found us here but glad you did! Today I want to share what has been on my heart this past week:

There are a few things we know to be true but only a few. 

We know that all men are created equal and are made in the image of God. We may look differently, come from a completely different culture than others, but in God’s eyes we are His most precious creation.

God so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to bridge the gap between sinful man and his desire to be in fellowship with us.

We know that God’s love is not like our love. It is above the natural, supernatural and beyond our understanding. When we try and compare his love to man’s love we fail. It’s not even in the same category.

When Jesus walked this earth He said He came to set the captive free and bring light into darkness and that when He left He would send the Holy Spirit to guide us into truth.

We know that Jesus died and rose from the dead on the third day and in Him we have eternal life as believers.

But there are so many things that we do not know or understand. Our minds cannot comprehend the infinite God. Why am I on this subject today? Glad you asked:) I believe we need to focus on what we do know; focus on building and growing a relationship with Christ. Our families need us to be light bearers– not people who know everything. The world needs us to be light bearers and not try and explain what we don’t understand or what they will never understand. We simply need to be present to others shedding love wherever we go. We may be the only bible anyone will read. What would they say about God if that were the case?

My word for the New Year is (as I mentioned in a former blog) is do unto others as you would have them do to you. As Christians we need to ponder Jesus’s words in Matthew chapter seven. People may never ask you about Jesus, but they will see if you treat people kindly.

Which brings me to my bigger point. Think about the people that God has placed in your life. As you simplify life’s questions to a few simple truths, it is helpful to begin thinking that it is not how much we know or understand, it is how much we love.







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