What’s Inside You?

Today in my making space blog I want to pose a question:

What is inside you? 

Jesus had a direct word to the Pharisees of his day:

You blind Pharisees! First wash the inside of the cup and dish so that the outside may also be clean (Matthew 23:26)

What a way to make friends… but He wasn’t trying to make friends, right?! Jesus was pointing out that our internal space– our thoughts, our actions, our heart– is what God is concerned with. The Pharisees were more concerned with the outward appearances.

But the Lord said to Samuel, ” Don’t judge by appearance or height, for I have rejected Him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at; the Lord looks at the heart (I Samuel 16:)

Friends, what is inside of you?

The good man brings good things out of the treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things… for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 

For years these Scriptures have caused me to think about what is going on inside of me. Does what comes out of my mouth reflect that I am a Christ follower?

Yesterday my granddaughter opened one of her birthday gifts at my house. It was a large egg that apparently had a bird inside; not a real egg or a real bird. 🙂 You put an app on your phone and the fun begins. The egg hatches slowly as you stroke the outside and within 25 minutes, out pops the bird. Now this bird is a special one that get’s sick, is happy, and expresses itself. Oh yes. Perhaps some of you have Hatchimals at your house.

What is inside you? Take a moment and see what you have been “hatching” lately.  Kind words or angry words? Patience or impatience? Fairness or judgment? We all need to ask the Lord to examine our hearts. I am a person who uses a lot of words (or so my husband says:). Daily, I ask the Lord to examine my heart. I want my heart and words to reflect Christ’s love. How about you?

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