Why is Waiting so Hard?

This morning as we make space for God, we are dealing with the issue of waiting. We are all waiting on something or someone. Children have to wait at the school bus stop. We have to wait in traffic, wait in lines at the grocery store or bank, etc. We have to wait on a report form the doctor. Waiting is a part of society. So now that is settled. We all are waiting on something or someone.

But as Christians, waiting takes on a whole new perspective. Waiting seems to be part of the currency of the kingdom for transformation.

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

Soaring Eagle

The word rendered “wait” denotes to wait in the sense of expecting. The phrase to wait on Yahweh means to wait for his help; to put our trust and confidence in God. This passage refers to the Israelites in captivity in Babylon who were waiting on deliverance from their suffering. It is applicable to all who feel weak, helpless who are called to put their trust in a trustworthy faithful God.

Waiting in carpool line or traffic can test our patience. But waiting on a long unfulfilled dreams to come to fruition, or for an illness that you have been waiting to be healed… that’s another story. That kind of waiting drives us either away from God or towards Him.

But God… sent His only Son to help us in the waiting. Yes, He sent Him as a sacrifice to draw us back to God offering us forgiveness  for our sins. But He also came that we might have life abundantly and live our lives expectantly,  not under a death sentence but under a sentence of hope, peace, and  trust that passes understanding.

The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I come that you might have life and life abundant (John 10:10). 

So included in His coming was the offer of everlasting life for all who believe in His name, but also a way of living that is radically different than the world. It is living from a place of peace in all circumstances. It is a way of waiting that brings expectancy. And frankly living like this brings an unsurpassed joy.

Kingdom living, friends, is counter intuitive. So together, let’s live in the world with open hearts that God has this. He is looking out for our best interests. He is an all knowing loving Daddy who, regardless of what the world throws at us, stands with us cheering us on. And one day we will see Him face to face and we will see that all the waiting was worth it.

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