Why Me?

Sometimes I ask myself the question: ” Why me Lord?”

Why do I have to forgive when I have been wronged?

Why do I have to do something for someone else when I am so busy?

Why do I have to be kind when someone has been unkind to me?

The questions are endless and we all find ourselves in this position now and again. My New Years resolution is from Matthew chapter seven:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

My self-centered questions have been trumped by God’s Word to me- do unto others…

So today in my making space Monday blog, I want to challenge you with this same word; that God is interested in our lives being poured out on behalf of others. Young mothers, busy women in the workplace and at home, this is not meant to be an arduous task. It is simply a new perspective; one in which we do all for God. Paul writes:

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than people.  (Colossians 3:23)

This is a game changer in our thinking. When we do for others, we are working for the Lord.

In our mothering and…

in our othering 

in our offering and..

in our suffering

Seemingly menial tasks such as changing diapers, or loving others, or being misunderstood and loving anyway are all ways in which we work for the Lord. Jesus made it clear that in all we do we are serving others. I am teaching a course presently on courageous leaders. Courageous leaders offer themselves as a living sacrifice for others. Why? Because God gave us His very best; His Son Jesus. He withheld nothing in His love for us. This week let’s make space to do unto others as we would want them to do for us. Not expecting anything in return and living simply for the sake of God and others. It is a simpler uncomplicated life, not tethered to a list of “to dos”. Just writing this gives me my wings. I hope it does the same for you.

You can still register for the Winter study- Following the Call: Leading Courageously. Click HERE for more information.

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