Wound Up Over Nothing

So here we are officially in the advent season. And we have two choices. We can enter in to the mad rush of shopping, baking, writing Christmas cards, parties…. or we can first enter into the secret place with the Lord each day and then start our busy days.  I am not Scrooge telling you not to do these things. Christmas traditions are so much fun. I love the hustle and bustle but I have discovered something. If we keep Jesus at the center remembering that He is the reason for the season, we will have a deep peace, centered on Him. Paul writes this:

And whatsoever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the lord and not for people. (Colossians 3:23 KJV)

I know the most delightful woman who told me that she takes Jesus shopping with her. I chuckled and thought that was not the sort of thing He would want to do. But she does. She prays while she shops for just the right gift, etc. Now I can assure you that my husband prays when I shop too. He prays that I won’t spend too much money! But I got to thinking about it. If Paul says in everything we do we need to remember to do it as unto Him, then all of our days should be filled with the knowledge that He is near.

So back to starting in the secret placeFor me this is the place that is set aside in the morning where I pray, journal, seek the Lord for wisdom and even make my daily list and plans. I often sit quietly or take a walk and just listen after I have read Scripture or prayed and wait on the Lord to speak to my heart. Over the years, I see my mind changing about things I am fretting about and my decisions shift according to what I sense He is telling me. All of this to say, if this is your habit of meeting with God, do not stop just because you are so busy during this season. And if this is not your habit of spending time with God, why not start this advent season?


Friends, life is meant to be lived to the fullest but it can never be lived to the fullest without God at the center. He sent his very best, His Son, born in a humble way, died for our sins, and sent His Holy Spirit to lead us while we live on this earth. The best way to kick old Scrooge to the curb is to remember the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus gave all that He had— His very life that we might celebrate life in Him.

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