Angels Singing?

Most of us over the course of our lives, have heard the magnificent Christmas carol: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”

This past week as I baked Greek cookies, I listened to it again. I had to stop, close my eyes and just listen. I imagined the heavenly choir of angles singing as the shepherds gazed into the sky. The shepherds most likely were blinded by the light, listening to the heavenly chorus heralding the coming of King Jesus, the Messiah. But I had another thought as I was caught up in the song.

What if…

When we praise God on earth, we are actually joining the heavenly choir?

What if…

When we worship and praise our King Jesus, we are actually the closest to our loved ones who are in heaven  praising Him day and night?

What if…

The picture of the shepherds heralding the king is more than just a Christmas song, but a sign for us that He came, is here now and will be coming again; that when we praise Him we are heralding His return?

My mind works like this. When I do this, my husband says Im chasing a squirrel. Really? What a strange thing to say.  I call them my God threads; piecing together possibilities of what God might be doing. Jesus came to earth as Emmanuel, God with us, and when He went back to HIs Father, He left His Holy Spirit to dwell within believers. Our hearts, longing to know Him, search for the song within. We are made to worship, and if we do not worship Jesus, we will worship something or someone else. Not a good plan because nothing and no one will satisfy the deep need we have for our Savior.

Christmas is just days away. Are you rushing around doing last minute Christmas shopping, baking or wrapping presents? Why don’t you take a moment, close your eyes and listen to this familiar Christmas carol. And… think about the possibility that as you worship and praise the Lord, you may be joining the angelic choir.

Merry Christmas to all of you who are part of our Drawing Near Family. I am so delighted that together we will be seeking to grow closer to Jesus in the New Year.

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