As For Me and My House

How many times have you said to someone; “My family does it this way”? I know I have. In explaining to people why we do what we do, what family rules we have in place, etc. I may say something close to: ” As for me and my household, we have decided to approach this issue this way, or address this subject this way.”

We all have our beliefs and our systems in place guiding how we operate within our families. I remember one time my daughter asking me for a horse. That seems to be a common ask in my family for generations. I told her no. She reminded me that I had a horse and I told her times were different. They weren’t so expensive back then. Then she would ask her Dad and he would say no. Normally however she would come to me (all the kids did) first before they asked their Dad. I was a softie; he not so much. Another tactic used by my children, is they would start with the most outrageous request knowing the answer would be no and then work their way down to what they really wanted and by then I would be broken down. Now some of you didn’t operate that way and for those of you still in the years of raising children, you had other operating systems. This was part of ours.

As for me and my house…

We ask Mom first because she is more likely to say yes than Dad

As for me and my house…

We start with the most outrageous request and wear them down until you get what you really wanted in the first place.

But when it came to going to church, reading Scripture or devotionals, going to youth group, those were non negotiable.

As for me and my house… 

The Lord came first.

Joshua, leader of the Israelites as an old man spoke to God’s people: You have seen yourselves everything the Lord has done to all these nations for your sake. He reminded them of all the Lord had done bringing them into the Promised Land and exhorting them to be strong and obey God’s Word. He warned them not to take on the ways of the pagan nations around them; that the Lord would fight for them. But… and that was a big BUT, if you turn away and ally yourselves with these nations then the Lord will no longer drive them out. They will become a snare for you. 

Then Joshua lowered the bomb. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. 

Friends we are standing at a crossroads in our culture today. The Lord is standing at the crossroads beckoning us to come; reminding us of His promises and our need for obedience. He is fighting for those who call Him by name. But the world is also beckoning come. The world’s pull is great and I fear that the church, the body of Christ is confused. This is the enemy’s playground. This is where he hides out.


For those who call themselves Christians, the Lord is pointing to His path. It may seem difficult or lonely or even unclear with all the choices we are faced with today. But His voice is still saying: ” Be still and know that I am Lord.” It is in the stillness we hear the voice of Our Shepherd; the One who promises to lead us beside still water and restore our soul.

I have deep concern that as we stand at the crossroads we may not hear His voice; that the voices of the world will become so loud that we will lose our way. Are you willing to join me in saying….

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. We chose you. 

His arms are open. And where He leads, chaos dissipates and peace reigns. The Prince of Peace will lead the way.

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