Beware of Life Passing By

Good morning to all of my making space for God friends! Here in South Carolina the weather is absolutely stunning. Birds are singing, flowers are budding, the grass is greening. As I walked through my garden I heard a still small voice. I recognize this voice because for many, many years He has spoken to me– it is the voice of my Shepherd; the One who leads me besides still waters and restores my soul. Here is what I heard:

Beware of life passing you by…..

So I stopped in my tracks as I was racing through my garden to get into my car to climb onto my hamster wheel and start my day’s spinning.

Beware of life passing you by….

I stopped when I heard this the second time. Not an audible voice but a familiar one.

My burden is easy…  my yoke light. 

Now I was standing at attention. Am I carrying a burden or burdens that I need to surrender to God? So I sat on my bench in the garden with the clock ticking away and my anxiety level rising because I was going to be late for my next hamster wheel appointment— and prayed: Lord, what are you trying to say to me?

And here is what I heard…

Life is precious; it passes quickly.

Push the pause button. I want to talk to you.

In Thomas Friedman’s book, Thanks for Being Late, he writes that when we hit the pause button on a machine (think washing machine) it stops. But when you hit the pause button on a human creativity begins to flow.

In that quiet moment, sitting on the bench talking to God, I took a deep breath and reminded myself that life is passing by quickly; that each moment is sacred, meant to be lived in a way in which we pause with our Creator.

As mothers, grandmothers, in the work force, or working from home; women who multi-task well and juggle 10 things at once…. we must remember to pause. For it is in the pauses that we begin to hear the heart of God and become His hands and feet; in the pause where creativity flows and we hear the birds, and notice the grass..

And the person who needs a smile or a hug…

The child that needs to be heard…

The unfamiliar becomes the familiar..

Our losses become our gains…

Friends, spring is in the air. It is time to reflect on our spiritual lives. Together let us make space for God. He is waiting for you on the bench.

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