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Daily Devotional

Time with the Father is not a box to check off on the to-do list. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the day’s activities that we avoid going to God for fear of what to say, how to pray or just taking the time to slow down.
Daily Devotionals are a beautiful way to stay grounded in our faith. They allow us to enter his throne room with focus and intention and can become a release rather than a burden.

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Abiding Space Blog


Let’s face it, there is no one on the planet who has not experienced fear. The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous,

I am renting a cottage on the harbor in Charleston SC and this morning I watched as a cargo ship left our port filled with goods and another one came to port ready

When God wrote the Bible, do you think He knew that one day we would be sitting in a room with others studying His word, applying the lessons learned through His people, and

This week we’re looking at the last chapter in the book of Joshua, and we’re meditating on the power of our testimony. As we’ve studied this book of scripture, we’ve repeatedly seen that

Who in their right mind would say that there is joy in the suffering? Only someone who is lying or in denial? The Apostle Paul, (whose life changing encounter with Jesus reads more

Life is full of seasons of change and transition. Our school system is set up to transition us from one grade to another. We transition in our relationships, our jobs, and we move