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Abiding Space Blog
The advent season is upon us. As we embark on the season where we celebrate the birth of Christ, I am reminded that we need to remember the reason for the season. I
The 12th chapter of Hebrews written to Jewish Christians reminds us to not grow weary; but to continue running God’s race with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Friends, we live in a world
This morning as we approach Thanksgiving day, I am reminded how blessed we are to live in this country- the home of the free and the brave; the home where we can worship
This week we’re in Hebrews 11. Lucky us! This is a beautiful chapter. We muscled through some tricky texts this semester. We put ourselves in the shoes of the early Hebrew Christians; we
Some of you have been in our current Drawing Near study of the magnificent book of Hebrews. Although we do not know who authored this letter, we do know that he was zealous
Webster’s dictionary defines awesome as “causing or inducing awe; inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear.” We use this word loosely in today’s vocabulary, but I have recently experienced its true