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Abiding Space Blog
Good morning making space for God friends! As I sit here at my computer my heart is thinking about each of you who are dealing with unforgiveness. Yes, you have tried to forgive.
This morning in Drawing Near community leadership meeting, someone mentioned that they are so busy looking at the future that they are not remembering to enjoy the present day. This is a common
Today I want to discuss a passage in Colossians 3. Put to death therefore whatever is earthly in you; sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness which is idolatry….Put on then as
Good morning making space for God friends. We are a community of Christian believers who focus on ensuring that we follow Jesus’ command to seek His kingdom first above all else and He
Friends, since this blog is about making space for God I am going to be very frank with you. More and more Christians seem to be stressed out, overcommitted, having little time for
“I am the Lord’s servant…May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38 Mary was a just a young girl when the angel, Gabriel, appeared to her in Nazareth. A virgin, betrothed to