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Abiding Space Blog
Today in my Abiding Space blog, I want to discuss an epidemic that I see in Christian circles– being worn out. I can easily recognize the symptoms. When asked how you are doing
Our Guest for today’s blog is Aimee Barrett. Aimee has been an active member of Drawing Near to God Ministry for many years. Aimee went on a quest to find out what love
Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Hoping you are finding great ways to make space for God in your life–ways that are fresh and empowering. I have added time to my early
Proverbs 23:7 is worth pondering for a few minutes: As a man thinks so he is. Our thoughts are truly a reflection of who we are. People ask me why it is so
I want to talk to you today about waiting… waiting for the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. As you reflect on the past, you may feel that you have just been
Here we are again on a Monday morning seeking to make space for God. The purpose of this Abiding Space weekly blog is to help us together figure out how to not just