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Abiding Space Blog
I remember as a young child being pulled by the undertow at Sullivan’s Island near Charleston, South Carolina. I had lived there all of my life and had been warned about not going
Can you believe March is here? We are entering into the springtime, a season many people look forward to -warmer, longer days and a lighter pace. Today I want to share with you
Dear Drawing Near community…. that is the way I wish to start this blog. We are all part of a community seeking to draw near to God– to His Son and His Holy
Sometimes I find myself saying things like: Tomorrow will be a better day. Or If I do (blank) then I will find joy. Or… If I buy this new thing it will make
The Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Ephesus, exhorts them to put away falsehood, speak truthfully, and not to let the sun go down while still angry. And don’t sin by letting
Good morning making space for God friends! Some of you know that I have a book titled “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” The book is a call to Christians, to reposition yourself