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Abiding Space Blog
I have a question for you today. What would you say rules your day? In case that question seems a bit vague, let me ask you this in another way. What do you
I have been thinking about the questions I am frequently asked as a ministry leader: Where was God when I needed Him the most? Why does God feel so distant? Why should I
‘The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power.’ – James 5:16
This week in my teaching series called The Kingdom is Near, I taught on the kingdom attitude of forgiveness. Because I have had so much positive feedback on the teaching, I decided to
During difficult seasons, we need to stay focused on what we know. We know that God is good, God is for us and God is faithful. Is there a worship song that has
Sometimes we simply need pruning. Our season of life has shifted and we are holding on not wanting change. We know the grace has lifted and yet we cling to what we know