Our True Love Gave to Us…

“On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” You remember the song, don’t you? The one about the presents that were given by someone’s “true love?” As we prepare for Christmas tomorrow,  I want to encourage you all to make space for our true love, Jesus Christ.

On the first day of Christmas, born in a stable was the Messiah, the Holy One; born in a humble stable born to save the world through His death on the cross. On the first day of Christmas our true love came to us and said, “You are my beloved. I will some day lay my life down for you.” The first day of Christmas was the beginning of a gift that would last through eternity; a gift that passes the test of time; a gift that we all so desperately need.

On the first day of Christmas Jesus came to US. He didn’t wait for us to come to Him.

This week, let’s take time to look at the impact that the true meaning of Christmas has on all of us who chose to believe…

That Jesus came… while we were yet sinners

That He loved us…. while we were yet sinners

That He died for us…. while we were yet sinners.

Take a minute and watch this video of His amazing love and as we celebrate Christmas, let us be ever mindful, that our humble King came to us and brought us freedom in Him.

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