Buried in Stress

Friends, since this blog is about making space for God I am going to be very frank with you. More and more Christians seem to be stressed out, overcommitted, having little time for breaks in the day. Ruth Haley Barton describes this indicating that we are not able to be present in the moment because we are rushing to the next thing. Technology, though adding convenience to our lives, has added stress:


Exhaustion sets in when we are too accessible too much of the time. A soul-numbing sadness comes when we realize that a certain quality of life and quality of presence is slipping away as a result of too much convenience. Breaks in the day that used to be small windows of replenishment for the body and soul– like driving in a car, going for a walk, having lunch with a friend– are now filled with noise, interruption and multi-tasking. What feels like being available and accessible is really a boundary-less existence that offers no protection for those things that are most precious to us. 

As we consider making space for God in our busy and sometimes boundary-less lives, we need to understand that only in Christ can we find internal peace and in order to connect to Him, we need to find time to abide as the branch to the Vine.

For years I tried to find the perfect way to meet with God. I set time aside very early in the day before the kids got up. I researched devotionals and found a great one. And for awhile, it worked. I found refreshment in God’s Word and knew His Presence was near. This time created an order in my life and a peace I had not known. But then life got in the way. My time with the Lord was shortened so I could sleep longer. The devotional I was using didn’t seem to pack the punch it had in the beginning so I quit using it. Until one day I was so empty and dry, I went into a quiet room after the kids were in bed, and cried out to the Lord. A short prayer: I need you Lord. And you know what? He heard my cry and me on a new course of seeking Him. Perhaps this is just what you needed to hear today– you need to start fresh and seek the Lord.

We need to remember that exhaustion sets in when we are too accessible too much of the time. Turn off your cell phones, find a place away from your computer and unplug with Jesus. Let Him hear the cry of your heart. Read His Word and allow the Peace it brings to saturate your weary soul. Find boundaries and space to refresh your soul. Try not talking on the phone in the car and listen to Christian music when you can. Get up early and meet with Jesus, your best friend. Stress need not find a place in your soul. It’s time to rethink the way we do life. Jesus is waiting with open arms.

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