How’s Your Faith Today?

This week we’re in Hebrews 11. Lucky us!  This is a beautiful chapter. We muscled through some tricky texts this semester. We put ourselves in the shoes of the early Hebrew Christians; we gazed upon Christ to understand that He is superior to the Old Testament law. We were convinced that Christ is the substance, […]

Approaching God with Confidence

Some of you have been in our current Drawing Near study of the magnificent book of Hebrews. Although we do not know who authored this letter, we do know that he was zealous for Jewish Christians to hold onto their faith. Persecution was on the rise and most certainly it begged the questions for some: […]


Webster’s dictionary defines awesome as “causing or inducing awe; inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear.” We use this word loosely in today’s vocabulary, but I have recently experienced its true meaning. I traveled to Niagara Falls, Ontario this past weekend and was overcome by the power and strength of the cascading water. […]

Just Say No

Today’s post is written to all of you who are just too busy. And specifically to those who find your identity in what you do. So truth be known it is a reminder to me as well. I am a somewhat reformed overcommitted woman. But God… One day God whispered to me during my quiet […]

It’s Time to Change Your Course

Sometimes life changes in an instant. We are going in one direction and suddenly we find our course has not only shifted, but we are now going in the opposite direction. I remember when I found out I was pregnant. In that moment my life changed, most certainly for the better, but nevertheless life was […]

Jesus is the Anchor

Hebrews 6:13 says, ‘When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself.’ God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation, and that through Abraham all the nations of the earth would be blessed. But Abraham waited for […]

Immature Christianity

Have you ever read the Bible in its entirety? A few years ago, I found myself longing to accomplish this very feat. I agreed to join a community of Christians for a ‘Bible-in-One-Year’ reading plan. Each day from January 1 to December 31, I proudly checked off the box next to the date acknowledging that […]

The Apostle and the High Priest

The writer of Hebrews begins Chapter 3 with such affectionate names for his readers:  Holy brothers and sisters. Not just family, but holy family; the family of God. And not just family, but those who share in the heavenly calling. Those who are preparing even now to live forever with God in heaven, those who […]

WARNING: A Wavering Faith

  “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard so that we do not drift away.”~ HEB 2:1 Have you ever been personally warned by God? Have you ever drifted away from His truth? Have you ever found yourself slipping back into familiar routines, trying to live a hybrid faith? If […]