When Life Seems Overwhelming

No one can escape times of feeling overwhelmed. As Christians, we may think we should be immune to the stresses of life; that we should be able to handle the rough times with grace and fortitude. If you have ever believed that lie you know it can put you into a tailspin of thoughts. God […]

Where My Strength Comes From

My family and I have been sick for the past two weeks. It started with the baby, then passed to me and then to the other kids. Somehow, my husband has stayed disease-free (thank goodness). The baby is now healthy, the other daughter is in the thick of a nasty cough, and somehow I am […]

Moving Forward

Nehemiah was a Biblical figure, cup-bearer at one time to the King of Persia and governor of Jerusalem. He led a team of Jews in the enormous task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem that had been destroyed 70 years prior. Many people have never heard of Nehemiah but ever since I read Nehemiah in […]

Jesus in the Chaos

Yesterday was loud and chaotic. I sat in an hour of morning rush hour traffic. I made meals, and snacks, and shuttled kids to and from school. Two kids were wrestling while another kid had a homework meltdown. The baby is teething. I had just enough time to sneak a workout in this afternoon and […]

Changing with Seasons of Life

Today I met with someone and we were discussing a huge change she is making in her life. She and her husband are now empty nesters and they sense that there is another season that they need to step into. One of my favorite subjects is just that: Stepping into each season with confidence Our […]

The Need for Endurance

For you have need for endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. – Hebrews 10:36 I have need for endurance. I am tired. Are any of you tired? Does there seem to be no rest in sight for all of the pressures and responsibilities of […]

Is Humility Your Trademark?

I am on a search for what it means to be truly humble. The definition of humility, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is freedom from pride or arrogance. Can anyone then say they are truly humble? I know I cannot. Pride creeps in when I have accomplished a task that was difficult. Arrogance partners with pride […]


This week we’ll read the long list of individuals, families and groups that contributed to the work of rebuilding the wall and the gates around Jerusalem. Nehemiah describes exactly where everyone worked, and what they accomplished. Imagine if your local church had a list like that. Would it be helpful to see your unique contributions […]

Just Say No

Lately, I have been thinking about the difficulty in saying no. No to your kids No to your boss who is overworking you No to your friend who is overstepping boundaries No to wasting time on social media or Netflix or any other time-stealing thing You know what you need to say no to and […]

God in the Real World

If you are a Christian, you probably desire to see God move and work. As God’s people here on earth, He causes us to desire His kingdom to come here on earth. In one of the most famous prayers in Scripture, often called the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructs His followers to pray that “God’s kingdom […]