See How He Loved Him

This morning I have been focused on the story of the death of Lazarus. Many of you know this story, however in the way of a review, He was a friend of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary. When Lazarus became deathly ill, they sent for Jesus knowing that He was the Healer, yet He […]

What is Your Message?

Good morning Making Space for God friends! This morning I want to challenge you to think about something I recently heard: Our mess of yesterday can become our message today…. How true this is? It’s easy to look at our failures– the things that we wished we had not done, or our messes– when things […]

Swimming Against the Tide

I remember as a young child being pulled by the undertow at Sullivan’s Island near Charleston, South Carolina. I had lived there all of my life and had been warned about not going out too deep, particularly in certain areas. My mother did not know how to swim so she would anxiously watch her three […]

Take Time for Rest

Can you believe March is here? We are entering into the springtime, a season many people look forward to -warmer, longer days and a lighter pace.  Today I want to share with you an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional. The writings in this devotional come out of my wrestling through issues with […]

Go the Extra Mile

Dear Drawing Near community…. that is the way I wish to start this blog. We are all part of a community seeking to draw near to God– to His Son and His Holy Spirit. We need one another on this journey. We need fellowship from other believers and we need people like Moses and Aaron […]

Don’t Postpone Joy

Sometimes I find myself saying things like:  Tomorrow will be a better day. Or If I do (blank) then I will find joy. Or… If I buy this new thing it will make me feel better. Or if I had more money… You get where I am going with this. Let’s face it. It’s easy […]

Be Angry But Do Not Sin

The Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Ephesus, exhorts them to put away falsehood, speak truthfully, and not to let the sun go down while still angry. And don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry. (Ephesian 4:26) We all get angry from time to […]

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

Good morning making space for God friends! Some of you know that I have a book titled “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” The book is a call to Christians, to reposition yourself for God to use you for His glory. Jesus describes Christians corporately as a “city on a hill”; that we are called […]

Does Anyone Really Care?

Good morning Drawing Near friends! Abiding Space blog is meant to help create a place where we can come together and find ways to make space for God in our diverse lives and find ways to encourage one another in our journey with Christ. This morning’s topic is a question that I have been hearing […]

Where Do I Belong?

Friends, there is a universal question that we all ask deep within our soul: “Where do I belong?” There is a longing in each of us to belong. Perhaps you have never thought about it, but lingering behind every desire, every hope, and every wish for happiness, lies a need to belong. Recently I spoke […]