Does Anyone Really Care?

Good morning Drawing Near friends! Abiding Space blog is meant to help create a place where we can come together and find ways to make space for God in our diverse lives and find ways to encourage one another in our journey with Christ. This morning’s topic is a question that I have been hearing others ask– perhaps not in so many words, but in intent: Does anyone really care? 

Does anyone care that..

My mother just died of COVID?

I lost my job and I am financially depleted?

My marriage is hanging on by a thread and it will not take much for the thread to snap?

That my depression is intensifying?

Friends, we all face trials and we all need Jesus. The events of this past year have intensified our stress, but the real question is does anyone care and does even God care? Let’s dig deep and find some answers.

First of all, I believe that when we care about others– truly care, we find that others care more about us. It’s not that we intentionally help others in order to get our own needs met, however it does often work that way. People that are engaged and caring with others, often receive encouragement themselves. Being intentional to reach out to others in need and connecting with them, opens up doors for them to see they are loved and for us to become connected at a deeper level. We live in a society that promotes independence, but in truth we are created to be interdependent. As Christians, Jesus reminds us that we are first connected to Him, (the Vine) and then in turn to one another. Before He left us, He spoke about His connection with the Father and prayed for us to be connected to Him and others. He showed us the way to care about others offering a hand when needed.

During this year of COVID, we have been far less connected or committed to one another. Even our loved ones have spent their last days isolated as their lives slipped away. It has truly been a season of isolation.

But God…

He connects our hearts through Him and one way is through loving others selflessly. People need to know that we care and we need to know that someone cares for us. My friend recently said something profound. She described that during this time of distancing, she has found other creative ways to reach out to friends. She calls, emails, texts, and uses any means to reach out. She said that this season has actually enhanced her ability to care for others. This was a wake up call for me. No excuse not to show someone that I care. How about you?

My Granddaughter is particularly good at showing me that she cares about me. She reaches out every few weeks to see when we can get together. She has shown me that life is meant to be lived for others and with others. All of this got me thinking of ways to reach out to others.

Sending a card.

Sending a book to someone who is shut in

Taking flowers or a meal to someone who is feeling alone.

I believe that we are in a season of relearning the art of connection. Our culture is showing signs of being disconnected, divided and stressed.

But God…

He so loved the world, that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. He modeled the way forward for us to show that we care.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you. By this all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. (John 13:34-35)

Friends, the answer always goes back to loving others. Then and only then will we stop asking: Does anyone really care? 

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