Time is Short (Guest Blog)
Good morning, Making Space for God community! Today I want to share with you a guest post from Mark Andrews, a friend and Drawing Near to God Board of Directors member. Mark’s post, “Time is Short” reminds us, especially during this busy season, about the importance of using our time wisely, and using it to […]
About this Time of Year
About this time of year, we start gearing up for the holidays. I have a confession to make. I don’t want to sound grumpy but I wish we would really gear down. I wish this season really was a holiday– a time to be refreshed; a time to be reflective, to soak in the glory […]
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
This week in our journey through Romans, we dove into Romans 6 and looked at how we are “Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ.” What does that mean, exactly? Well, in this chapter, Paul paints a glorious picture of our baptism from death to life. In Romans 5 he writes that while we were still […]
The Effects of Reconciliation
Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God community! This week in our journey through Romans, we looked at the Effects of Reconciliation with God, focusing on Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Isn’t that powerful? While we were yet […]
In an Instant
Good afternoon, Drawing Near friends! I am grateful that the Lord has gathered us in Christ as part of a community that longs to draw nearer to God. Together we are strengthened as we pursue our faith. This past Thursday, my mother fell and broke her hip. In an instant, she ended up on her […]
Justification by Faith
Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God community! I’m so grateful that many of you are joining me on this journey through Romans, either at our live Teaching & Worship Experience, by streaming or here on the blog. This week we continued our journey with Romans 4, looking at Justification by Faith. Beginning with Romans 1:17, Paul […]
Marriage a Dying Institution?
Dear friends, I have a question for you. Do you think that marriage is a dying institution and that there is no longer significance in our society to enter into the sacrament of marriage? I want to address this very personally as someone who has been married for 46 years that it is still of […]
God’s Faithfulness
Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God Community! We continued on our journey of Romans this week by looking at God’s Faithfulness as demonstrated by Paul in Romans 3. As followers of my blog know, I like to share some notes from my teaching here on the blog this week so both those members of our […]
Beware of Bitter Root Judgments
Good afternoon and welcome to making space Mondays (for God that is). Some of you have just stumbled onto this blog because you are dealing with what the Bible calls bitter root judgments. Let me just put this out there on the front end. If you are a living-breathing-human being then at some time in […]
God’s Righteous Judgment
Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God community! As those of you who have been following my blog know, we have been journeying through Romas this semester in our Teaching & Worship Experience. I like posting my notes on here so you can get a sense of what we’re studying and you can follow along with […]