Year of the Eagle

For those of you who follow my blog regularly, you may recall that earlier this year I had the sense that the Lord was telling me that this is the year of the Eagle. You can read more in my blog post, here. Three things that I heard the Lord calling me to do this […]


I don’t know about you but I value people who are authentic, real, vulnerable; those who speak the truth in love. It is apparent that the Holy Spirit has gotten hold of their lives and had his way. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. […]

The Majesty of God

Earlier this week, I shared about the joyful life God has promised us in my post, From Darkness to Light and how this fall, as we study Isaiah at our Teaching & Worship Experience,  we will look at ways to access the freedom God offers. Today I want to share a little bit from my daily […]

Guest Blog – Qualified

Last month, I shared a guest blog post from my friend,  Sally Wallace. Sally is the women’s ministry leader for St. Andrew’s Church. A little more about Sally: I am an English teacher, attorney, and mom of four kids.  The only way this is accomplished with sanity is through the power of prayer; hence, this blog. […]

Dreaming with God

Consider this statement with me for a minute as we Make Space for God together on this beautiful Monday morning: Every dream must have a plan. Do you have a dream? Do you sense that God is calling you to do something, shift your path and follow your dreams? I recall listening to a speaker […]

Press On

As I mentioned in a blog post last week, I recently had the privilege of being a guest preacher at my church, St. Andrew’s Church in Mt. Pleasant. Our church recently had a fire – you can read more about it in this blog post – and our church is meeting at a local school […]

Broken and Beautiful

Good morning Making Space for God friends! I have been enjoying summer with lots of grandchildren coming and going (mostly coming:)) and loving it. My schedule is a bit freed up in the summer so I take advantage of every minute I can have with them. This week we went to the beach with my […]

Our Burning Bush

Today I want to share with you the day’s entry for my daily devotional, Drawing Near to God. As a reminder, you can follow along with the devotional on our website or via our mobile app. It’s great to do the devotional with friends and family too – I know I’ve enjoyed doing the devotional […]

Training Tips

Good afternoon, Making Space for God friends! Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching at my church, St. Andrew’s, in Mt. Pleasant, SC. The theme of my sermon was “Press On” and I used Paul’s letter to the Philippians to help illustrate this topic. So, today I wanted to share with you an older blog […]

Peace That Transcends Understanding

Are you seeking peace today? Below is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, with encouragement that the Lord has given me when I have been seeking peace. No matter what situation we are facing in our lives, He encourages us to turn to Him, our Prince of Peace, for a peace that […]