God is Still on the Throne

This week in my Making Space for God post, I want to address the subject of feeling powerless. I have been talking to many people who are in despair for a multitude of reasons. It’s something that at one time or another we all deal with and often we find that hopelessness jumps into the […]
Introduction to Ephesians

This week was the kick-off to our study of Ephesians and it was so great to see friendly faces and meet new friends, too! It’s never too late to join us at a live study in the Charleston area (now offered at 2 locations) or via streaming. I always like to share my notes from […]
Making Space for God in the New Year
Happy New Year, Making Space for God friends! Have any of you decided to set goals for the New Year? Mine are to be more intentional, strategic, simplify and minimize. Please join me as we make space for God in the New Year to study Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and together we will make […]
Joshua’s Faithful Response

Earlier this week on the blog, I proposed that, as a Drawing Near to God community, we resolve to Listen More in 2018 – listen to God, that is. We live in a noisy world so we must be intentional in order to listen to what God is saying. This year, my family and I (10 […]
Plans to Prosper
As we look toward the New Year and people make plans, hopes and aspirations, I thought I would share an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional (which you can also read online, receive each day in your inbox or view on our mobile app. Remember that God has plans for you and to […]
A Greater Yes
Here we are in the final days of Advent, waiting and preparing for the birth of Jesus. However, I want to talk to you today about a different kind of waiting… waiting for the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. As you reflect on the past year, you may feel that you have just […]
God’s Divine Interruptions

Good morning, Making Space for God friends. One week until Christmas- the time we celebrate the birth of Christ. It seems I have to fight to remember the reason for the season as I make my way through lists of shopping, baking, and the like. I think Santa Claus is a cute enough fellow, but […]
Comforting the Contrite
Today on the blog I thought I’d share the day’s entry in my daily devotional, Drawing Near to God, as it is very relevant to the season of Advent. As we prepare for the birth of Christ, we reflect on how He came to the earth. He was born not in a palace but in […]
A Gentle Answer

Today’s topic for making space for God Monday is based on the following Scripture: A gentle answer turns away wrath. Why is this the topic for today? Because I am trying to prepare us for the Christmas season. As we celebrate the advent of Jesus we also must prepare to celebrate with the arrival of […]
Transfer of Power
Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 9 and 10. The title of the lesson was Reversal and in my teaching, I told a story about a time when I had to drive a boat trailer for a fishing trip that my husband and I went on. Unfortunately, it was more difficult […]