Plans to Prosper

As we look toward the New Year and people make plans, hopes and aspirations, I thought I would share an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional (which you can also read online, receive each day in your inbox or view on our mobile app. Remember that God has plans for you and to […]

Comforting the Contrite

Today on the blog I thought I’d share the day’s entry in my daily devotional, Drawing Near to God, as it is very relevant to the season of Advent. As we prepare for the birth of Christ, we reflect on how He came to the earth. He was born not in a palace but in […]

Time Management

Today, I am keenly interested in considering a subject that we all deal with — managing our time. For some of us, it seems as though time manages us; for others, we are glued to our calendars and our calendars are the driving force in managing our time. I would like to propose that managing […]

Transfer of Power

Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 9 and 10. The title of the lesson was Reversal and in my teaching, I told a story about a time when I had to drive a boat trailer for a fishing trip that my husband and I went on.  Unfortunately, it was more difficult […]

Praise & Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Earlier this week I posted about A Grateful Heart and cultivating a lifestyle of praise and thanksgiving. I encourage you to read that post and the Thanksgiving “challenge” I suggested. While today is a special day of giving thanks, we must remember that it is not the only day to give thanks for […]

Imitation or Real?

Welcome to Making Space Monday (Making Space for God, that is!) Today I have something on my mind concerning being a fake or being real; the imitation/counterfeit or the real deal; the truth or the lie. What does Scripture teach us about the counterfeit? The online dictionary defines counterfeit as made in the exact imitation of […]

Our Shepherd and King

Good afternoon! For those of you who keep up with my blog weekly, you know that on Thursdays I share notes from my Thursday morning teachings. I do this so that those of you who cannot join us in person can get a feel for what we are studying and those of you who are […]

Shedding Old Clothes

Last week I was discussing the passage in Colossians 3 with someone and it gave me the opportunity to consider it more in depth. Put to death therefore whatever is earthly in you; sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness which is idolatry….Put on then as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, […]

Crisis & Response

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog on how Crisis is Revealing. Today I taught on crisis and how we must respond as Christians, looking at Esther 3 & 4. I always share notes from my teaching on the blog on Thursdays. Let’s start by looking at spiritual warfare: Our battle is not against […]

Staying in Your Lane

Today we continued our study of Ruth & Esther by looking at Ruth 3.  Even if you aren’t joining us in person or via streaming, I encourage you to read through Ruth with us, as I will continue to share notes from my teachings here on the Thursday blogs. As you may know, in our lessons […]