Lack of Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a Scripture that has been on my heart lately so today I thought I would share with you an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional about this verse. No matter what situation we might find ourselves facing today, it is important that we remember to seek the Lord and His wisdom, trusting in […]


Today we had our annual “Celebration Luncheon” where we celebrated everything that God has done in our midst during this Bible study year. These past two semesters have been amazing, full of transformation, healing and love. Our last semester we studied how “God is Real” in our lives and this semester we journeyed through the […]

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

This afternoon, I want to share with you this entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. This devotional is different than my 365-day devotional in the sense that the entries are specific to issues and emotions that we all face. This devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with […]

Lukewarm Christianity

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Today I have a Scripture on my mind that has always intrigued me. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of […]

Bread of Life

Today as we continued our journey through the Gospel of John, we looked at eight I am statements of Jesus. If you missed the teaching, I encourage you to catch up via streaming here. This afternoon, let’s look a little deeper at one of the I am statements — “I am the bread of life” — with […]

You Raise Me Up

Today at our weekly Bible study, our worship leader, Julianna and special guest, Pastor Paul Coleman, played the beautiful song, You Raise Me Up. You can hear their version via our live streaming. In our lesson, we talked about healing and the areas of our lives that we must allow God to do His work […]

God Has Not Abdicated His Throne

Over the weekend as I was walking through the woods, watching my husband and grandson play disc golf, I had a thought: God has not abdicated His throne As I watched the interaction between grandson and grandfather, I observed a relationship that was secure, safe, fun, and respectful of one another. And then I thought […]

God With Us

As some of you may know, we are currently studying the Gospel of John using Max Lucado’s study guide at our weekly Bible study.  If you aren’t currently attending or watching via live stream, I encourage you to go back and watch the live stream for the past 3 weeks – the introduction and lessons one […]

In the Beginning

Many of you know that I am presently teaching a study on the Gospel of John. You can also watch streaming here.  Last week’s teaching focused on the first few verses in the Bible and the first view verses in the gospel of John: In the beginning GOD… (Genesis 1:) In the beginning was the […]