A Month of Sundays (Guest blog)

My mother used to say, “Never in a month of Sundays would I have imagined…” It was a way to express dismay. It was used to create a parallel.  As impossible as a month of Sundays was to imagine…. And, here we are living in a month of Sundays, old fashioned Sundays. There was a […]

Being Contagious (Guest Blog)

During this time of social distancing, isolation, and even quarantine, when we are all rightfully focused on not catching or passing the Corvid 19 virus, let me briefly address the mandate to every Christian. Yesterday as I was praying with my dear friend and Priest Anthony Kowbeidu who has tested positive for the virus, God […]

Guest Blog – Qualified

Last month, I shared a guest blog post from my friend,  Sally Wallace. Sally is the women’s ministry leader for St. Andrew’s Church. A little more about Sally: I am an English teacher, attorney, and mom of four kids.  The only way this is accomplished with sanity is through the power of prayer; hence, this blog. […]

Guest Blog Post – Striving

Good morning! Today I want to share with you a fabulous blog post from my friend, Sally Wallace. Sally is the women’s ministry leader for St. Andrew’s Church. A little more about Sally: I am an English teacher, attorney, and mom of four  kids.  The only way this is accomplished with sanity is through the […]

Guest Blog – Bailey’s Jesus

Today, on Good Friday, I want to share with you something that someone recently passed along to me from the Daily Encourager. It is a very sweet story with a wonderful message for us all on this Easter weekend: God recently allowed me to see Jesus through the eyes of someone seeing Him for the […]

Guest Blog Post – Champions

Today I want to share with you special guest post from one of our Drawing Near to God leaders, Maggie. Each year, Maggie shares a “Grace Christmas Message” that ties her sweet daughter Grace, who has Down syndrome, to the love of God. Below is this year’s Christmas message that Maggie shared with her family and friends. […]

Guest Blog Post – Interrupting Your Busy

It seems that everywhere you look, the countdown is on. That is, the countdown to Christmas. And this is something to celebrate, not to stress about! I’ve been sharing some of my own thoughts and thoughts from friends and other bloggers about making space for God in this holy season. Today, I want to share […]