The Mind of Christ

Happy Monday, making space for God friends! Last night, a Scripture kept running through my mind, so I thought we would unpack the meaning of it together. It has been following me throughout the day in my thought life and I keep wondering as Paul wrote these words to the people in Philippi: what was […]

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Happy Thanksgiving! While today is a special day of giving thanks, we must remember that it is not the only day to give thanks for all that the Lord has done.  Below is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, on thankfulness and how when we draw near to God, He helps us through every […]

Superwoman Syndrome

A few years ago, I wrote an op-ed titled the Superwoman syndrome. The point of the article was to help women who are overwhelmed with life make space for God in their lives. In a recent blog post on margins, I wrote the following on the same subject: Together we are on an amazing journey […]

Driving in the Fast Lane

Years ago, when I lived in Germany, I remember my frightening first trip on the Autobahn; it seemed like everyone was driving at a speed above 80 MPH. I got in my very slow, no pick-up car, and huddled on the side of the road, praying for my life. Everyone else seemed calm and confident. Why? […]

Why Me?

Do you ever think that God is out to get you, that He is just waiting for you to mess up? Sometimes, I meet Christians who view their lives through the “Why me?” lens. The question I have is this: ” Why not you? ” I say this because life has it’s share of suffering […]


This morning, I have been thinking about my son who has a passion for photography. He started with a simple desire to take pictures – but after 6 months, I noticed he had 1,000 ‘likes’ on one of his photos on Instagram . I say this not just as a proud Mom but to encourage […]

Holy Nudges

Good morning Making Space for God friends! This morning I was thinking about my friend whose mother suddenly died. And then my thoughts went to my own parents who quickly had a change in their health (seemed like overnight).  Sometimes when we least expect it, things happen. But what really caught my attention is that […]

The Contented Life

Today I was meditating on the Apostle Paul’s words where he described his life– once a rich, powerful man reduced to being beaten, ship wrecked, and imprisoned for his faith in Jesus Christ. Yet in the midst of his suffering he wrote the following: I know what it is to be in need, and I know […]

Be Still

Good morning, Making Space for God community! This week I had the privilege of teaching at a Conference with women from all over the US who are part of an organization called Daughters of the King. Their theme was, “Be Still.” They were delightful and eager to connect with our theme in practical ways. My […]


Good morning Making Space for God friends! This last weekend I realized that I am sick and tired of my phone. And I mean it. I am on a few group text threads and I lost track of the conversation. By the time I picked up the whole conversation had shifted and I was left […]