Gold Plate
As the new school year begins and our personal commitments change. I thought it may be helpful to review a previous blog post about my “Gold Plate” and take time to reevaluate what is on our plate. What needs to be removed and what needs to be added? Join me in Making Space for God […]
Easier Said Than Done
Today on my Making Space Monday (for God that is!) I want to discuss how impossible it seems to grow fruit. Now I don’t mean fruit such as what grows on trees but fruit that grows in our hearts. Paul called this collectively “fruit” of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, […]
Temple of the Holy Spirit (Video)
Earlier this week, I wrote about the Holy Spirit, Our Guide. Today I want to continue on that track of exploring the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives by talking about our body being the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the video below, we look at Paul’s words that tell us to make space […]
God Will Supply Your Needs
Good morning and welcome to Making Space for God Monday! For those of you who have landed on this blog and are not sure why… then perhaps this is just for you. God is all you will ever need. He is not Santa Claus who brings gifts and then you don’t see him until the […]
Time to Make Space for God
Friends, it is time to make space for God. Time to unplug ourselves and connect or reconnect with Him. I don’t know what you are going through today, but what I do know is that more and more people seem to be distracted, worn out and have no time for God. Today’s blog is a […]
Don’t Miss the View
Happy Thursday, Making Space for God, community. Do you ever see #throwbackThursday pictures on social media? Well, today we’re going to do a “Throwback Thursday” right here on the blog. Below is a throwback to an older blog post – almost 10 years old, wow! – but the message still rings true. Many of you […]
Aging with Grace
As I age, I continuously hear women saying, “I want to age with grace.” What in the world does that mean? Does it mean to smile and bear it, not color your hair, grit your teeth and act like you like this thing call aging? No. I don’t think it means any of those things. […]
Live for Each Day
A few weeks ago, I had a true, whirlwind of a weekend! My son graduated from Medical school and relatives were in town. Such fun. I learned something significant over that weekend. Don’t miss out on today. Sounds so simple but I think sometimes we are either caught up in past or looking towards the […]
From Feeling Powerless to Powerful
Good morning, Making Space for God community! If you have been keeping up with my blog lately, you’ll see that there has been a theme – anxiety. But really the theme has been the antidote to anxiety – God. As we make space for God, we find there is less room for anxiety. You can […]
Identity in Christ (Video Blog)
Good morning, Making Space for God Community! Today I want to share with you a video blog about one of the most significant topics for women today – our identity in Christ. The world and our culture try to send us so many messages and tell us who we are, but the true question is […]