Do Unto Others
New Years Eve as I was going over some of my New Year goals, I recalled a bible verse in Matthew 7:12 the Message translation: Here is a simple rule- of- thumb guide for behavior. Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. I […]
Marriage a Dying Institution?
Dear friends, I have a question for you. Do you think that marriage is a dying institution and that there is no longer significance in our society to enter into the sacrament of marriage? I want to address this very personally as someone who has been married for 46 years that it is still of […]
Easier Said Than Done
Today on my Making Space Monday (for God that is!) I want to discuss how impossible it seems to grow fruit. Now I don’t mean fruit such as what grows on trees but fruit that grows in our hearts. Paul called this collectively “fruit” of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, […]
The Perfect Woman (Video Blog)
This morning I want to talk to you about woman depicted in the Proverbs 31 Scripture. When you read this Scripture, does your heart start to pound? Mine does. But the truth is, when we read this Scripture, there are some precious gems for us to hold true as women. Let’s dive in together in […]
Relationship Reboot
Good morning and welcome to Making Space for God Mondays. Some of you may have stumbled on this blog and I am excited that you did. Every Monday I bring up ways we can draw closer to God. And more specifically how we can grow to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. We are […]
Good morning Making Space for God friends! This last weekend I realized that I am sick and tired of my phone. And I mean it. I am on a few group text threads and I lost track of the conversation. By the time I picked up the whole conversation had shifted and I was left […]
Video Blog – What Marriage is as Christian Believers
Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Today I want to share with you something that’s been on my heart – what marriage means as Christian believers. Whether or not you’re married or have been married, marriage paints a beautiful picture for us of spiritual growth. I specifically want to share with you three things […]
Being A Kingdom of God Woman
Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 5:21-33. This text often gets people talking because it deals with submission, particularly in the realm of marriage. As you know, I often share my notes from my teachings here on the blog. So first, let’s dive a little into marriage as the text lays […]
Be Careful What You Think
Welcome to Making Space Monday (for God, that is!) As we continue our journey of spiritual growth together, I want to address our thought life. Scripture is clear that as a man thinks so he is. This is one of my favorite Scriptures because it always gives me cause to observe my actions to see […]
Spirit and Power
If you follow my blog each week, you know that we are studying Ephesians at our Teaching & Worship Experience each week. If you’re new, please know that you can always join us live in the Charleston area or by streaming wherever you are (or whenever you want to join). You may also know that […]