Coming Soon!
We have exciting news to share! Watch Joanne’s latest video on what is coming soon to Drawing Near To God!
Visionary Leaders (Video blog)
Our Spring study: Following the Call-Leading Courageously may have been cut short but we can stay connected! Connect with us –
God’s Will for Your Life (Video Blog)
Earlier this week I shared a post about Living a Purpose Driven Life. Today I want to continue on that subject with a video about God’s Will for Your Life. We all want to know that, don’t we? What’s God’s purpose for my life? Scripture is laden with God’s promises for our life, and the […]
Temple of the Holy Spirit (Video)
Earlier this week, I wrote about the Holy Spirit, Our Guide. Today I want to continue on that track of exploring the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives by talking about our body being the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the video below, we look at Paul’s words that tell us to make space […]
From Feeling Powerless to Powerful
Good morning, Making Space for God community! If you have been keeping up with my blog lately, you’ll see that there has been a theme – anxiety. But really the theme has been the antidote to anxiety – God. As we make space for God, we find there is less room for anxiety. You can […]
Making Space for God in Anxious Times
Happy Making Space for God Monday! Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be talking about a subject that so many people are dealing with today – anxiety. Watch the video below or on YouTube here. Let’s Make Space for God together so that His presence can help keep you from being overwhelmed with […]
Video Blog – Offenses
Good morning, Making Space for God community! Today I want to share with you a video blog about offenses. We’ve all been offended in our lives – some of us may have even encountered this over the holidays! But God has a way for us to deal with offenses. Let’s take a look at was […]
Video Blog – The Perfect Woman
Does anyone ever start reading Proverbs 31 and your heart starts pounding? That’s happened to me. But the truth is, this passage (which I encourage you to read today), has some precious gems for us as a guide for how to live. Let’s take a look together in this video blog:
Video Blog – Breathe

Ever feel like you’re running every which way, trying to keep up? Or maybe those of you that live in the Charleston area right now are trying to run every which way but find yourself just sitting in traffic 😉 God calls us to breathe in His presence constantly, especially when we feel stressed and crazed […]
Active Waiting

Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 7 & 8. The book of Esther is very much about waiting, isn’t it? How many of you are waiting for something right now? I would imagine that everyone is raising their hands. We’re all waiting for something – for a job, a spouse, a friend […]