Do You Like Yourself?

Here we are again, together on this Abiding Space blog. It’s a place where together as a Drawing Near community we are trying to make space for God; make space not just to know Him but to enjoy HIm. And… it’s a place where I am able to express the things that are on my heart, questions (and I have so many all the time) and a place to join you my friends on our spiritual journey.

Recently, I heard a speaker say that one of the signs of a transformed mind is to love yourself. He described his childhood into his adult years as a time of searching for himself. He purposely kept himself very busy, surrounding himself with activities and friends. He was running from Himself. And then He met Jesus and the Holy Spirit began the process of uncovering his true self; the self made in God’s image that is dearly loved by God. He said that now He enjoys spending time by himself because finally he likes himself. He has made peace with his true self.

Some of you reading this are getting squirmy. What I mean by squirmy is that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and you are trying to close your ears. Perhaps unintentionally you are simply not interested in opening up the Pandora’s box of finding your true self. The false self rises up within you saying: ” I am just fine the way that I am.” But your heart is saying: ” No I am not. I am tired of trying so hard. I am stressed with being someone that intuitively I know is not really me. I feel hopeless and will never find true happiness.” Does this sound like you? My sisters I totally get it. I was a chubby child (can you say that word now a days?) Perhaps better put, in today’s language, I was not eating healthy. Okay, either way I needed to lose weight. And I had terrible acne and if I had courage I would post a picture of me at that age. But I prefer for you to think of me as I am now. Why? Because this feel-insignificant-overweight-acne faced child has grown into a woman deeply loved by God and deeply confident that hope, security, and significance can be found in Him alone.

Jesus had something to say about loving yourself. He merged this into His greatest commandment:


Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: ” Love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF. (Matthew 22:36-40)

I spoke about love in my blog last week, A New Normal. This is just the next step. Love God completely and then you can love others. Submerged in His love, you first must love yourself and then others. Does that sound self-serving? I don’t think so. Jesus was trying to help us understand that when we allow His love to transform us, then the little overweight, acne faced feeling insignificant girl is transformed. Internally there is an exchange. All that matters is that you are His child. All that matters is that HE loves you. And suddenly, the transformation on the inside is reflected on the outside.

One of my favorite Scriptures is:

As a man thinks so he is. 

Do you like yourself? Then this is reflected in your job, in your family, in your relationship with others. Dear sister, allow the love of God to fill you to capacity washing you from the world that says you are not enough. Say to yourself that you are Abba’s Child (meaning Daddy’s child) because you are. My heart swells to think that perhaps one person reading this today will put their gears in reverse and stop belittling yourself; that you will recognize what a beauty you are as your life is hidden in Christ. And… if you do not have a relationship with Him today is the day. Ask Jesus to come into your life. Ask to be Daddy’s girl. His arms are open. As always, love to hear from you. Let us know about your transformation.

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