Don’t Hit the Snooze Button

Hello making space for God friends. Here we are back to another Monday in our season of social distancing. Those who know me know I call it social isolation:) I have lost track of days or how long we have been in this pattern, but I am grateful to our leaders who have called a time out in order for us to be able to stay safe and get back into the game as soon as it is safe again. Regardless of your political persuasion, I think we could all agree that the leaders of countries all over the world including ours, need our prayers and appreciation as it can be a thankless job at times. Today, I want to highlight something that seems to be flashing strobe lights in my head: Don’t hit the snooze button during this time of social distancing. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime, and it occurs to me that with every crisis comes an opportunity. It depends on which lens that you use.

This is my handsome husband by the way

We have an opportunity to find a new life rhythm. With distractions gone, we can make more space to dig deep with God. I am aware that some of you reading this are knee deep in alligators home schooling kids, or home bound with preschool kids, or working on the front lines stressed and weary. So let me be clear, it is still a different rhythm. With most stores and parks closed and the familiar removed from our daily lives, we have found ourselves whether we have a house full or a house empty, having to dig deep with God. We either need His help to get us through the fear of the virus, or the fear of being on a tight rope, or battle loneliness.

Each of us has a moment where the clock has been reset and life is not life as usual. Is it possible that the Lord is using this time to ask us some questions:

Will you trust me?

Will you draw nearer to me?

Will you allow me to reset your internal clock of your life?

This is where I have been this last week– answering these questions in my time with the Lord and many more. What is so compelling is that the Holy Spirit is pressing on me to make a decision. And that decision is:

 To press the snooze button and ignore the signs of a reset in my life that He is trying to make,


to turn the clock off and start the day fresh and ready to defeat the giants of distraction in my life that have caused my heart to grow cold?

I believe that in this hour, in this season, the Lord is giving us an opportunity to find a new rhythm.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me– watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Friends, as believers in Jesus Christ, we cannot afford to hit the snooze button. Jesus told us that we are a city on a hill and not to hide our light. The world is distraught. Many have lost loved ones during this pandemic, others have contracted it, and all have the fear of contracting it. The playing field is level for us all. The real difference is our response. Draw near to God, He has much to say to us. In this time of social distancing, I am hearing him clearer. He is resetting my internal clock. How about you?


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