Has Your Light Been Dimmed?


As I sit to write this blog today, the question in my heart is: “Has your light been dimmed?” Jesus declared that we are a city on a hill and our light is supposed to shine brightly. I don’t know about you, but the last few months, I had grown weary and the thought of shining when I feel and look tarnished feels heavy. Did you notice I said “had?” I sensed the Lord telling me that my spiritual slump was caused by my concentration and focus on the wrong things. Pandemic, racial injustice, vitriolic politics had all worn me down.

But God…

He spoke and I listened. He reminded me that He is my Shepherd that leads me beside still waters; that He is the One who is my guide through this life; that is why He sent the Holy Spirit. He reminded me that I am His and I have a purpose and a hope in Him. He spoke gently but firmly to my heart that my focus was off kilter; that I had spent more time listening to the news than listening to His voice. And I am wondering if you are in the same place?

Conviction set in. You know the good kind of conviction when someone you dearly love and respect tells you something you did wrong and you receive it because it came from Him or her? Conviction from the Lord is never condemning but filled with love and hope.

I recognized His voice and asked Him what to do. I had been knee deep in alligators with the “woe is the world” mentality. And gently I heard Him say. Do you believe that I am still seated on the throne at the right hand of the Father? Do you believe that you are seated in heavenly places (positionally) with me as a believer? I said yes with my lips, but my heart was far away from this truth.

This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. (Matthew 15:8). 

Do I hear a collective ouch? Have we as the body of Christ, fallen prey to the spirit of the world? I cannot speak for you, but I was convicted that I needed to spend more time in the Word and get back to basics. The lovely little tune kept running through my head.

This little light of mine, I going to make it shine… 

Yes, it is time church for us to shine with the Good News that we carry in our very souls. It is time to get back to basics.

Love the Lord with all of our heart soul strength and mind; and love our neighbor as ourselves. 

It’s time to burn old bridges, old patterns of thoughts and turn our hearts towards Jesus. I did this and my perspective is back. My hope in Christ is secure. So I invite you to do the same. Reposition your heart before the Lord. He longs for you to come home.


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