It’s a New Season

For those of you who have stumbled onto this blog site, welcome! We are a ministry where women intentionally make space for God. We do this together in a community offering Bible study courses, mentoring, an annual conference and an opportunity for outreach. It is empowering to walk our spiritual journey together encouraging one another. Today I want to address the new season we are in as followers of Jesus Christ.

  • During my quiet time one morning, I had a sense that the Lord was speaking to my heart about a new season. I also sensed that this new season was not just about me but about many others. The pandemic created a shift, and I believe the Lord used it for just that. Some of us were stuck Stuck in our jobs, our relationships, and most significantly in our relationship with Christ.  As I pondered this, I was struck by a picture in my head of three types of people responding to this shift.
  1. Those who were complaining and having to be dragged out of the old season
  2. Those who were not complaining, but only had one foot in the new season and the other foot in the old season
  3. Those who are taking a BIG step of faith and fully entering into the new season.

Which one are you?

The other sense I had is that those who were in the third category were able to fully enter into one of the most powerful and significant seasons of their lives with a strong anointing and sense of purpose. But those who complained or only half heartedly entered, would not receive the full benefit of what the Lord would do through them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss anything that God has for me, but I do know it requires trusting the Lord and taking a risk. Did I really hear God’s voice or was it mine? Did I even pray for this new season? Do I even want change? We all go through the question and answer time in our heads, but at some point we must be willing to seek counsel, pray and then take a jump of faith. If we miss God and our new season, then He is faithful to pick us up and turn us in the right direction.

Sometimes there are several paths we can take, not just one and that is ok. Sometimes our path seems to go in one direction and then takes a hard turn. If God is in it, you will get exactly where He wants you to go. A few years ago, I remember counseling a friend to let go of a relationship that did not seem to be fruitful in order to grab hold of her new season. It was the best advice at the time that I knew to give her, but it was a bit unsettling to be so bold. She did it and discovered her God given destiny path.

So today, ponder your new season. Can you envision it? Are you in the middle of it? Are you entering into it kicking and screaming or with just one foot in? Remember Mary was a child who said that she would be obedient to her new season. And…. she became the mother of Jesus.

And Mary said: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done according to your word.” Luke 1:38

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