Jesus Has Not Left His Post

Today I have been thinking about the scripture that tells us that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father.

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up to heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.  (Mark 16:19)

In today’s world that is chaotic, do you ever wonder if God is asleep on the job? Be truthful. At times we all have wondered: “Where are you God?” Jesus came to us fully divine and fully human, offered His life as the Son of God, and then sat at the right hand of His Father. What does that mean for us today? How does that impact the divisions we see in our country, the pandemic we are having to deal with? What does that have to do with dirty diapers and folding cloths and being the best we can be in our workplace? How does the fact that Jesus is seated at the right hand of His Father impact our daily lives?


It has everything to do with our daily lives because He is seated in the place of honor. We know from Scripture that the right hand was the place of blessing. And we know that God the Father sent His Son Jesus to earth to bring salvation to humankind; What we could not do for ourselves, He did for us. He sat beside His Dad. But was His work complete? Yes, in the most significant sense. He laid down His life for sins of mankind. But He is busy praying for us even now! He sees your pain. He sees the world issues that we face. He has not left His post nor has He left us. He is praying for us.

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died- who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Romans 8:33-34)

I am encouraged when I remember that Jesus has not left His post and you should be too.

My granddaughter was anxious about a situation that impacted one of her family members. Life often throws us hard balls that depending on the way we handle them can impact us for good of not. I choose to think that anything that comes our way, God uses for good. I am in good company with this thinking. The Apostle Paul writes:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Friends, there is nothing in your lives, whether seemingly small or large that the Lord cannot handle. Every stressor and every trial is an opportunity to grow.

So today I ask you the question– what giant are you facing that seems to threaten to destroy you? What seems so big (and it can simply be daily life that is so busy) that overwhelms you? Jesus can handle it. He can take the burden. He has not left His post.

Visit Drawing Near to God for more Abiding Space blog posts and Joanne’s Daily Devotional.

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