Letter to My Younger Self


Despite the commercials we see on tv or magazine ads we read, aging was not invented by Satan himself. It may feel like it at times when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself. Or when you go for a run, or a walk or even a crawl and you can’t move the next day. So you go to plan B for exercise or no exercise. Aging nevertheless has it’s benefits.

Here are some of them.

  • You can say what you want and ask for permission afterwards. People will just think you are older with no filters. Truth is most have filters but are tired of pretending.
  • You can decide that you don’t have to push so hard, or work so hard, or get to the top because the view from below is better than the one from the top.
  • You can see things through kingdom lenses that have less fog on them because you have more time to remove the dust.
  • You can recognize that the small things don’t matter that irritate us and the big things either. There is simply no need to waste time worrying over what you cannot control.

So this is what I would say to my younger self:

You don’t have to prove yourself. You simply need to be yourself. 

Why must we wait until we are older to think this or believe this because the truth is you are made in God’s image; beautifully and wonderfully made and God loves you as you are. Why? Because He, the Divine Creator, who created you as you are. Yes, I would tell my younger self to love myself more, but start first with loving God. Love Him completely and then love your neighbor as yourself.

Friends, what is the letter that you need to write to yourself? Would it be a letter filled with regret? Would it be a letter filled with “I wish”? Or would it be a letter written on your heart because you have meditated on God’s Word, filled with His words to you? In ministry, I have observed one thing more than any other. We are too hard on ourselves. We are too quick to view ourselves through the wrong lens.

And what else would I tell my younger self? I would tell her that God has a plan and purpose for her life. And…. I would have the faith to believe that the Lord would lead me every step of the way. Years ago, the Lord spoke to my heart to start Drawing Near to God Ministry. At the time, I was not sure I heard His voice. But wanting to be obedient, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. Did you notice something in the last sentence? “I” got to work. I would tell my younger self, stop rolling up your sleeves- you look ridiculous and let go and let God. He will do it much better and in the long run it will be more fun. Fortunately, the Lord got a hold of me before I had rolled up every sleeve in my closet. He drew me to Himself leading, guiding, and reminding me that I am His and He will fulfill every purpose for my life if I simply focus on Him. Jesus said it best:

Seek my kingdom first and my righteousness and all of these things will be added to you. 

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